Located on the first floor of the Ireland Wood Surgery, the Ireland Wood Eye Clinic provides care for NHS patients in the community
About Us
Ireland Wood Eye clinic was established in 1994 and moved into a new purpose built facility in October 2016.
We are a consultant led community ophthalmology service based in the north of Leeds.
We provide multidisciplinary care with the most up-to-date diagnostic equipment for the management of complex conditions.
In April 2018 Eye Casualty was launched in partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust
The Service
- Available to all NHS patients, we welcome referrals from GPs, optometrists and other HES providers
- Patients are seen and diagnosed close to home with easy access to free parking
- One Stop Service
- Waiting times around 2 weeks
- Weekly minor surgery
- Reduced tariff compared with hospital service
The Team
- Mr Paul Brogden: Consultant with a specialist interest in glaucoma
- Dr Andy Brown: GPwSPI Ophthalmology
- Dr Keith Watson: GPwSPI Ophthalmology
- Anupa Patel: Optometrist with a specialist interest in glaucoma and acute eye care
Eye Care for NHS Patients in the Community
Conditions Treated
- Glaucoma (for diagnosis & continued treatment and management)
- External eye disease
- Watery eyes
- Dry eyes
- Blepharitis
- Non-acute (for example) 2 weeks floaters & flashes
- Fundal problems
- Pigmented lesions
- Retinal problems
- Suspected dry ARMD (no wet AMD)
- Blurred vision (non neurological)
- Ophthalmic opinion from optometrists
- Any vague visual or eye related problems
- Minor (non-cosmetic) eyelid lesions requiring removal (benign) by minor surgery or ingrowing eyelashes CVI registration but not LVA assessment – refer St James University Hospital
- Children under 16
- Suspected eyelid cancers
- Uncomplicated cataract
- Posterior capsular thickening requiring YAG capsulotomy
- Suspected or diagnosed keratoconus
Acute Care Pathway
- Sudden loss of vision
- Acute flashes and floaters
- Neuro-ophthalmological problems including squint and diplopia
- Red eye, foreign body
Email: iwhmp.eyeclinic@nhs.net
Phone: 0113 2699320
Ireland Wood Eye Clinic
First Floor, Ireland Wood Surgery
Iveson Approach
LS16 6FR