Practice Update August 2021

Posted by: freyakeith - Posted on:


Please see below for a general update regarding practice services. The whole practice team would like to thank our patients for your ongoing support and understanding as we continue to navigate the recovery and catch up from the Covid-19 pandemic, which is proving to be just as challenging than the original pandemic itself.   

Flu Clinics 
The practice will shortly be contacting eligible patients to book a flu appointment. Please support the NHS by having your flu jab at your surgery. You do not need to contact the practice about your flu jab yet – please wait and we will be in touch.  

Covid Update 
In order to keep our staff and patients safe, we continue to ask patients to wear a mask or face covering whilst in the surgery. We continue to triage patients for Covid symptoms prior to any face to face contact, and we politely request that patients do not come into either of our practice sites if you have Covid symptoms or are waiting for the result of a Covid test. If you have pre-booked a face to face appointment, you will be sent a text message asking you to complete a Covid questionnaire – please complete this if you are able as it reduces the risk of bringing Covid into the building.  

Despite the lifting of restrictions, the practice team continues to be affected by the pandemic and we ask that patients please be patient with our teams. We have had several members of staff test positive for Covid-19 which has affected the service.  

Please be considerate of patients and staff and do not come into the surgery building if you suspect you may have Covid.  

Appointments and Availability 
Ireland Wood and Horsforth Medical Practice continue to offer routine appointments, both face to face and by telephone. We would like to remind patients to please attend all booked appointments, and to let the surgery know if you cannot attend an appointment that has been booked in advance. At present, a high number of appointments are not being attended by patients, which is increasing the pressure on the appointment system. If you cannot attend your appointment, please inform the surgery as soon as possible so that the appointment can be offered to someone else.  

If you cannot call the surgery to cancel your appointment, you can do it online at this link:  

Telephone System 
Both Ireland Wood and New Croft surgery are experiencing a huge increase in telephone calls from patients. We politely request that any non-urgent requests be left until the afternoon where possible, as the telephone lines are particularly busy first thing in the morning. Could we also request that patients refrain from using the emergency line unless they are calling about an emergency. Unfortunately a number of patients are using the emergency line in order to move ahead in the queue. If you come through to reception on the emergency line inappropriately your call will be put back into the queue. Using this line for anything that is not an emergency (i.e. to book a routine appointment or to ask for blood test results etc.) blocks the phone line for patients experiencing a genuine medical emergency.  

Test Results 
Did you know that you can view your test results via patient online access/NHS app? Register for online services if you would like to view your test results without having to call the practice. You can download an application form here:  

Covid Boosters 
As soon as we are able, the practice team will confirm the arrangements for providing Covid Boosters to eligible patients. Please do not contact the practice to enquire about Covid Boosters. If you are eligible to have your booster at the practice, we will contact you.  

Booking Appointments Online
Please can we ask that patients book appointments online at the surgery they are registered with. Unfortunately there is no facility to change the way the appointments appear on the booking platforms, with all patients able to view available appointments for Ireland Wood and New Croft. Please be aware that you cannot book appointments at the Hub based at Ireland Wood via the patient access/NHS app platform.